How should fitness meals be eaten to build muscle

How should fitness meals be eaten to build muscle? 4 dietary points to help you achieve a muscular figure.

Original content. Unauthorized copying is prohibited! Fitness and muscle building require a combination of eating, sleeping, and training. None of these elements can be lacking. As the saying goes, “Three parts training and seven parts eating.” If you eat correctly, the training effect will be doubled. So, how should fitness meals be eaten to quickly build muscle and increase muscle size? A scientific muscle-building meal is not limited to just chicken breast, broccoli, and boiled eggs. Mastering 4 dietary points will help you achieve a muscular figure!

First dietary point: Reasonable calorie range.

Fitness and muscle building is to increase muscle size. The growth of muscle requires sufficient energy and nutritional supplementation. Our calorie intake needs to be increased compared to usual. The total daily metabolic value of a normal person is between 2000 and 2400 kcal. For people with a standard body fat percentage, during the muscle-building period, calorie intake can be increased by about 10% compared to usual. For people who are lean, calorie intake needs to be increased by about 15%-20%. This is helpful for muscle growth.

2500 Calorie Meal Plan (PDF) To Promote Lean Muscle -

Second dietary point: Increase protein intake.

The growth of muscle cannot be separated from protein supplementation. Therefore, during the muscle-building period, on the premise of controlling fat intake, we need to increase protein intake and supplement 1.5-2g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. You can eat more high-protein foods in three meals, such as chicken breast, eggs, milk, dairy products, lean meat, fish, shrimp and other foods. Diversify your diet and mainly cook ingredients by steaming and boiling. This can avoid a sharp increase in the calorie content of ingredients and the destruction of nutrients. For breakfast, you can supplement eggs and milk. Chicken breast can be cooked with broccoli and carrots for a more comprehensive nutrition. Add a boiled egg and a glass of milk before and after fitness training to supplement the protein needed by the body, which can improve muscle growth and repair efficiency.

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Third dietary point: Multiple meals.

We can see that muscular men like to eat multiple meals. This is because their calorie intake is higher than that of ordinary people. Multiple meals can ensure the intake of food. During the muscle-building period, fitness meals are divided into multiple intakes at multiple time periods, which can improve the utilization rate of food and reduce the accumulation of fat. We can change three meals into five meals, which is helpful for the absorption and digestion of food. And the absorption rate of protein foods is much higher when divided into multiple meals than when taken all at once.

Fourth dietary point: Choose high-quality fats.

During fitness, you are not unable to consume fats. Instead, you need to supplement high-quality fats. Fats are important substances for hormone synthesis and secretion. We can supplement some nuts and avocados and stay away from all kinds of inferior fats and trans fats, especially foods like cream and chocolate. When cooking three meals, you can choose high-quality fats such as olive oil and flaxseed oil for cooking. During the muscle-building period, the intake ratio of carbohydrates:protein:fat is 5:3:2, which is a relatively scientific way of eating fitness meals.