Postworkout Snacks 6 Top American Fitness Coaches Tell You How to Eat

“Post-workout snacks” are not ordinary snacks. You need to obtain sufficient nutrition from this snack. It is necessary to protect the muscles that have just been vigorously exercised, and at the same time, you cannot drink too much protein powder beverage to avoid wasting your hard work due to excessive calorie intake. For most people, it is a difficult problem to figure out how to eat this snack. Fitness enthusiasts and coaches spend a lot of time exploring which diets can help trainers achieve the best recovery after sufficient training. Six of the most famous fitness coaches in the United States come to share how they eat, when they eat, and why they eat this way – some answers may surprise you!

Early morning

Moretti is basically already lifting weights in the gym. Working out early in the morning is his and his clients’ favorite thing to do. However, doing a lot of exercise on an empty stomach may be a big test for your stomach. “If you plan to spend an hour working out in the morning, I suggest you either speed up or eat a small piece of fruit to raise your blood sugar level. Don’t eat too much, otherwise it will make you sluggish and reduce your excitement.” He added that if you are just starting to try morning exercises, you need to give your body some time to adapt, and a certain amount of energy supplement is essential. You can also bring a bottle of diluted sports drink and slowly drink it after starting to exercise for more than 20 minutes, so as to provide your body with a relatively slow increase in blood sugar.

Erica Giovinazzo

The fitness method of CrossFit is to achieve efficient fitness results and long-term spillover effects through short-term high-intensity exercise. So Erica Giovinazzo must first ensure sufficient calorie supply to ensure that the hard-earned muscles will not be consumed by themselves. “I will drink a protein powder beverage and have a little fruit after working out. Because after our body has experienced intense exercise, the blood sugar in the body has been exhausted, and timely supplementation of different forms of energy is extremely important.” She said: “We must give priority to the needs of muscles, so protein is necessary, and liquid protein can help your stomach absorb these nutrients faster.” She also reminded that high-fat foods should be avoided at this time, as this will reduce your digestion and absorption speed. Moreover, after finally losing a little fat, don’t make it all back in one bite. The protein powder Erica drinks is vanilla-flavored whey protein. “This supplement is very good! Tastes good and is quickly absorbed.”

Nia Shanks

Nia likes to change her post-workout supplies according to the seasons, especially after exercising outdoors. Now that it’s getting cold, she likes to prepare a homemade chili for herself. “It sounds strange, but it’s actually very good! After exercising, you especially need such warm and delicious protein.” Chili may really not be the post-workout snack we expected, but it depends on what ingredients you use to make it. Lean ground beef is a very good source of protein.

10 Post-Workout Snack Ideas - Stephanie Kay Nutrition

Dolvett Quince

Everyone has seen Quince’s strict requirements for dieters in the hottest weight loss program in the United States, but what would he do after exercising if it were him? The answer he gave is a smoothie made of protein powder and fresh fruits and vegetables. This is actually a very tough way. There is no need to think about the taste anymore, and it won’t take too much time to eat. Just throw all kinds of ingredients into the blender and then drink it in one gulp. “A big spoonful of protein powder, a handful of fruits and a portion of kale or spinach are my favorite combinations.”

Brian Gallagher

Protein powder is as essential as dumbbells for many people’s fitness plans. We all know that maintaining muscles and making muscles grow all depend on protein. However, in Brian’s opinion, this does not mean that you have to rely on protein powder. Brian was once a loyal fan of protein powder, but after a long period of self-experience, he felt that protein powder is not the only choice. “Once my protein powder was finished, so I didn’t consume enough protein within 90 minutes after training. But I didn’t feel any discomfort or any problems with recovery.”