How to eat a scientific fitness meal

Fitness training is inseparable from the support of diet. Without the supplementation of nutrients, the speed of body transformation will slow down. So, how should fitness meals be eaten scientifically? It varies for muscle building and fat loss.

Fitness meals need to adhere to these several principles:

  • Firstly, you need to know whether you are aiming for muscle building or fat loss. People with overweight need to lose fat, while those who are thin need to build muscle. People aiming for muscle building need to appropriately increase calorie intake. Skinny people need to increase their daily calorie intake by more than 15%-20%, and those with a standard body need to increase it by about 10%. While for people aiming for fat loss, the daily calorie intake needs to be reduced by about 20%. For example, if the usual calorie intake is 2000 calories, it can be reduced to 1600 calories during the weight loss period.

39 Meal Prep Recipes For Muscle Building & Fat Loss

Furthermore, in terms of diet, we need to maintain low-oil and low-salt cooking and stay away from all kinds of junk food and overly processed foods. Common snacks, fried chicken, potato chips, biscuits, and milk tea are all foods we need to avoid. These foods have high calories and are not conducive to health. They will make you gain weight and affect the speed of fitness. We need to cook by ourselves and balance the combination of ingredients to maintain the body’s metabolic level and prevent the body from entering a state of famine. We need to scientifically supplement substances such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Recommended high-quality carbohydrate foods: brown rice, oats, millet, beans, tubers, corn, job’s tears, low-sugar fruits, etc.; Recommended high-quality protein foods: chicken breast, eggs, duck eggs, milk, dairy products, seafood, fish, etc.; Recommended high-fiber vegetables: broccoli, Chinese cabbage, cucumber, tomato, celery, bitter gourd, winter melon, zucchini, etc.; Recommended high-quality fats: avocado, melon seeds, nuts, and the cooking oil used is olive oil, etc. We need to consume these foods in a balanced manner. During the fat loss period, the ratio of carbohydrates: proteins: fats per day is 6:2:2, while during the muscle building period, the ratio is 5:3:2.

Finally, here is a fitness meal recipe for reference by people who aim to build muscle and lose fat!

The Top 8 Foods For Muscle Building

Fat loss meal recommendations:

  • Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, a sandwich, a portion of seasonal vegetables
  • Lunch: A bowl of rice, a dish of chicken breast stir-fried with carrots, a portion of lettuce
  • Dinner: A bowl of coarse grain rice, a dish of broccoli cooked with tomatoes, 5 boiled shrimps

Muscle building meal recommendations:

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, a bowl of eight-treasure porridge, a portion of lettuce
  • Lunch: A bowl of rice, a dish of broccoli cooked with tomatoes, 5 boiled shrimps, a portion of seasonal vegetables
  • Snack: A banana
  • Dinner: A bowl of coarse grain rice, a dish of chicken breast stir-fried with carrots, a bowl of tofu and black fungus soup
  • Snack: A spoonful of protein powder or a glass of milk