20 Kinds of Fitness HighProtein Food Ingredients Recommendation, Suitable for Both Fat Loss and Muscle Gain

Protein, as one of the three key nutrients, is not only crucial for the normal operation of the human body, cell metabolism and growth, organ and tissue repair, etc.; but also can enhance the daily feeling of fullness, promote muscle growth, and accelerate metabolism, doubling the effect of fat loss and slimming! Therefore, whether friends are exercising or not, whether they want to gain muscle or lose fat, eating more protein-rich foods is of great benefit to overall health or improving and maintaining the figure! For this reason, below we will share with friends 20 kinds of healthy, delicious and protein-rich foods to enrich and improve everyone’s daily diet!

![High-Protein Diet: Pros, Cons, and What You Can Eat](https://www.verywellfit.com/thmb/nFXwSBBol9xyLiKD3cCpvHT4ztU=/1500×0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/is-a-high-protein-diet-best-for-weight-loss-3495768-a-2062b3f0080d4401ba2b031449dcc418.jpg)

01 Eggs
Eggs, as a breakfast ingredient favored by people, are rich in protein in the egg white, and the yolk has various nutrients needed by the human body; moreover, they are convenient for daily cooking and delicious. Taking it as breakfast can help friends start a vigorous day!

02 Chicken Breast
High-protein and low-fat chicken breast can not only promote the vigorous growth of muscles, but also strengthen bones and accelerate metabolism. It can be regarded as one of the most popular meat foods for fitness people. In addition, chicken breast is rich in various vitamins and has a very low sodium content, which is also very helpful for overall health. In the daily diet, frying a piece of chicken breast and combining it with an appropriate amount of vegetables and staple foods is a perfect meal!

The best high protein foods for weight loss -Diet Doctor - BeautynBerry

03 Oats
The protein content of oats is among the highest among many grains; and it is rich in dietary fiber and various minerals, which is quite helpful for both fat loss and muscle gain and overall health! Many friends may not like the rough and tasteless taste of oats themselves, but combining with an appropriate amount of milk, fresh fruits and nuts, it is very delicious and also suitable for breakfast to charge the body efficiently!

04 Black Beans
Black beans are rich in a large amount of protein, can enhance the feeling of fullness, accelerate metabolism, and can even reduce the risk of suffering from some chronic diseases. Therefore, it is a very good choice to try to use black beans to replace staple foods occasionally!

05 Beef
Since prehistoric times, people have begun to eat beef, and it even has the reputation of “the king of protein”. More importantly, the protein contained in beef is rich in 8 essential amino acids that are crucial to the human body! In the daily diet, an appropriate intake of beef can not only promote the rapid recovery and growth of muscles, but also effectively improve the health status and keep friends energetic all day!

06 Cauliflower
Although the taste of cauliflower is not favored by some friends; but low-calorie and high-protein cauliflower is rich in a large amount of dietary fiber, antioxidants, various minerals and vitamins! While helping the body replenish nutrients, it can also detoxify efficiently and is a very excellent helper for fat loss!

07 Chinese Cabbage
Chinese cabbage is also a kind of low-calorie and high-protein vegetable, and at the same time it is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene and other nutrients that are quite crucial to good health. In the daily diet, eating more Chinese cabbage can not only replenish various nutrients, but also enhance immunity and improve the health status of eyes, skin and hair!

08 Peas
Bean foods belong to the ones with higher protein content among various vegetables; and peas, in addition to containing sufficient protein, are also rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber. Regular intake of peas in the daily diet can promote intestinal function, improve the health of the cardiovascular system and assist in fat loss and slimming, which can be said to be of great benefit!